There’s been a little talk about how great the A.I.

There are segments that aren’t particularly fun, pretty much anything involving vehicles, but they’re pretty spaced out and outside of a few annoying failures, generally short. There are sections of the game that involve a slum-like underworld that’s in direct contrast to the later stages, and overall I really enjoyed the design of every stage. The world design of Binary Domain, which is set in the near-distant future, is infused with a lot of shiny, neon looking tech. There’s a light RPG element to this that works pretty well in tandem with the gunplay, so while you might not always NEED to rip robots apart, you’ll find yourself wanting to anyways. Also, to go along with the squad focused gameplay, every character has a primary weapon they stick with, which can be upgraded in a variety of ways. The shooting feels great, aiming is consistently smooth, and while weapon variety might not be extremely diverse, every weapon has a clear cut purpose. Binary Domain puts a heavy focus on tearing apart robots limb by limb, and awards you points that can be spent as currency for character and weapon upgrades throughout. In part this takes a page from another Japanese developed third person shooter from a couple years back, that shooter being Vanquish from Platinum Games. The main gist of the gameplay comes from tearing apart the robotic minions that are tossed at you en masse throughout the six chapters that make up the single player campaign. But the gameplay couldn’t be more different, and while it certainly evokes a Gears of War feeling, it does a pretty great job of making its own mark on the shooter market. The Yakuza look is pretty prevalent throughout you’ll recognize the character design right off the bat if you’ve played any of the current gen Yakuza titles.

Binary Domain is a pretty slick looking sci-fi third person shooter from the fine folks at SEGA, more specifically the coveted Yakuza Team, headed up by creator Toshihiro Nagoshi.